Entity Management

All the setup tools and info to run your entity

Entity Management

All the setup tools and info to run your entity

myViewBoard Insights

myViewBoard Insights  is an online dashboard that provides advanced metrics of your organization's activity within the myViewBoard Suite. Analyze sign-in data and app usage with different views to get a better understanding of how myViewBoard is enhancing your school and its learning outcomes.

The following views are available within Insights:

  • Overview: Gain a big-picture snapshot of users, software downloads, and device activity.
  • Users: Breakdown of user sign-ins, user types, and sign-in platform.
  • Device Apps: 
  • Reports: 
    • Annual: For a given year or month, total sign-in users, total new users, the total paired and active devices, and Whiteboard/Classroom session information. 
    • Usage: Total launches of Whiteboard, total sign-ins, total canvas sessions, and canvas hours.
  • Whiteboard: Usage of myViewBoard Whiteboard across all platform versions.
  • Classroom: Classroom session data, including total hosts and participants.
  • ViewSonic Originals: Originals total content downloads by your entity's users with views for top content subjects and top content.
  • Manager: Data on added devices and total and type of commands sent to devices.

Access Insights

To access Insights, do so from the Entity Management console:

  1. Sign in to myviewboard.com (admin account required).
  2. On the landing page, select the Entity Management tile.
  3. On the left-side menu, open Entity Insights.

Entity Insights dashboard access point highlighted within the Entity Management console.


The Overview dashboard provides a high-level view of your entity's user, app downloads, and device usage activity. Assess whether you need to remind your entity users to sign in to myviewboard.com to make the most of entity benefits.

  • Total users: The total number of users added to your entity.
  • User roles: A breakdown of user types in your entity.
  • Total software downloads: A breakdown of downloads of Whiteboard by platform by users in your entity.
  • Manager devices summary: Overview of device management information in your entity's Manager console, including: 
    • Advanced license distribution: Percentage of total devices assigned an Advanced license.
    • Active devices this month: Representation of total active devices from month to month.
    • Devices breakdown: Breakdown of device models in your entity.

Overview dashboard.


The Users dashboard provides a summary of your entity's user activity. This can help you understand whether the expected number of users are signing in to myViewBoard apps and services.

  • Total sign-in users: Total number of users who have signed in to Whiteboard or myviewboard.com.
  • User roles: Breakdown of user types in your entity.
  • Software sign-in platform: A breakdown of total unique users who have signed in to Whiteboard or myviewboard.com.
  • Daily new users: New users added to your entity per day.
  • Daily sign-in users: Number of user sign-ins per day.

Users dashboard.

Device Apps

The Device Apps dashboard summarizes which apps are being used most across all your entity's devices, as well as a closer look at specific app usage.



In order for app usage data to be counted, ensure the following:

  • Total devices: The total number of devices that have been paired to your entity's Manager console.
  • Top 10 apps across all devices: The list of apps, in order of usage, that are being used across all your entity's devices.
  • App usage across devices: A breakdown of the total devices using specified apps.

Device Apps dashboard.


Annual Report

The Annual Report summarizes totals for users and downloads annually, providing you a snapshot of the activity of your entity's users over a school year.

Have the option to download an Excel file summarizing the data presented on the Annual Report page.

  • Sign-in users: Monthly users who have signed in to Whiteboard.
  • Total new users: Monthly new users added in your entity.
  • Active devices: Monthly active devices (devices have to be added to Manager to be detected).
  • Total paired devices: Monthly devices added to Manager.
  • Whiteboard sessions: Total sessions and average time per session by users in your entity on the different versions of Whiteboard.
  • Classroom sessions: Total sessions and average time per session by users in your entity on Classroom.

Annual Report dashboard.

Usage Report

The Usage Report summarizes how active your entity's users have been over a period of time. This can help you assess user have myViewBoard product activity within your organization. 

  • Total Whiteboard launches: Times Whiteboard was successfully opened in your entity; only instances enrolled in your entity are counted. (Learn more about Whiteboard instances.)
  • Sign-in users: Total users who have signed in to Whiteboard.
  • Total canvas sessions: Total unique sessions with actions taken in Whiteboard or Classroom.
  • Canvas hours: Total time spent in an enrolled Whiteboard installation or an open Whiteboard Online/Classroom session.

Usage Report dashboard.


The Whiteboard Native apps and Online dashboards summarize activity within these apps.

Native apps present activity on native Whiteboard app versions installed on a Windows, Android, or iOS device. Online presents activity on the Whiteboard Online web app.

  • Whiteboard overview by software version: 
    • Total sessions: Total unique sessions with action taken in Whiteboard (or unique launches of Whiteboard Online).
    • Avg. session time: Average time spent in Whiteboard after signing in (or after successfully launching Whiteboard Online).
  • Whiteboard sessions per day: Total unique Whiteboard sessions per day.
  • Total Whiteboard session duration per day: Total session time in Whiteboard per day.

Whiteboard Native Apps dashboard.Whiteboard Online dashboard.

Tool usage

The Whiteboard tool usage dashboard provides a summary breakdown of various tool categories and specific tool usage. View the total usage of main toolbar tools like pens, shapes, and more, as well as totals for Magic Box or Adorning Menu tools.

  • Tools used in Whiteboard:
    • Displays top-used tool categories.
    • Each count is based on clicks/presses in Whiteboard.
    • Press a category tile for a breakdown of sub-tools in the Tool details section below. 
  • Tool details: When a given tool category is selected, displays the top used tools and the number of times a tool has been used.
  • Tool usage trend: When a given tool category is selected, displays the daily totals for tool usage per day.

Tools in Whiteboard dashboard. User has selected the Text tool category with top 20 tool actions listed below.


The Companion dashboard summarizes activity within the Companion app.

  • Total Companion sign-ins: Total sign-ins on myViewBoard apps via Companion.
  • Total Whiteboard engaged via Companion: Total interactions with a Whiteboard session using Companion.
  • Daily Companion sign-ins: Daily sign-ins on myViewBoard apps via Companion.
  • Daily Whiteboard engaged via Companion: Daily interactions with a Whiteboard session using Companion.

Insights Companion dashboard.


The Classroom dashboard summarizes activity within the Classroom web app.

  • Classroom overview:
    • Unique sessions: Total sessions after successfully launching Classroom from myviewboard.com.
    • Hosts: Total unique hosts who have launched Classroom.
    • Participants: Total student users who have joined a Classroom session (sign-in not required).
  • Total sessions: Total sessions after successfully launching Classroom.
  • Session hosts: Total unique hosts who have launched Classroom.
  • Total daily users incl. students: Total combined users (hosts and participants) in Classroom.

Insights Classroom dashboard.

ViewSonic Originals

The Originals dashboard summarizes downloads by your entity's users of Originals content. View breakdowns by subject, topic, and more.

  • Total Originals content downloads: Total content downloads through myViewBoard Whiteboard, myviewboard.com, and Classroom.
  • Top topics downloaded: Content downloads over top subjects/topics.
  • Downloads distribution by platform (Whiteboard): Breakdown of downloads across myViewBoard Whiteboard platforms and ViewSonic Originals website.
  • Downloads distribution by subject/type: Breakdown of downloads by subject/topic of the content.
  • Content downloads trend (Whiteboard): Overview of daily content downloads when accessing through myViewBoard Whiteboard.
  • Top ranked content: Top 10 most downloaded ViewSonic Originals content.

ViewSonic Originals dashboard.


The Manager dashboard summarizes activity within the Manager web console. For any of your device data to be counted in these dashboards, your devices must be added to your entity's Manager. Learn more.

  • Advanced Licenses: The top section of the Manager dashboard displays information relating to Manager Advanced licenses.
    • Total licenses: The total number of available Advanced licenses in your entity's Manager console.
    • Licenses assigned: The percentage of total number of Advanced licenses assigned to devices in Manager.
    • Expired licenses: The number of Advanced licenses that have expired and are no longer available to assign to devices.
  • Enrolled devices: New devices added to Manager per day.
  • Command types: Commands are actions made in the Manager console sent to devices. These three categories cover the general types of commands that can be sent in the Manager console.
    • Command activity distribution: The default view is of the command type distribution. Click any of the command types above to change the view to a breakdown of totals of specific commands sent.
    • Commands sent: Commands sent per day. Again, click any of the command types above to change the data view, this time to a focus only a single command type.
  • Paired devices: Total active devices in Manager. Devices are considered active if at least 1 command is sent to a device per day.

Manager dashboard.

Throughout the various dashboards, hover over visualized data and tooltips to view more details.

User hovers over different pieces of data on the Overview dashboard.

In a chart's legend, press a desired data metric to view only the totals for that data type.

User presses legend categories on the Overview dashboard, with the result being focused views on only certain categories.

In all page views besides the Overview page, filter the date range to your desired period of time.

User has date filter open with Last Month selected on the Users dashboard.

Date filter open on the Annual Report dashboard.



Non-Reports dashboards are set by default to the last 90 days and can be freely customized by date range.

Reports dashboards are set by default to the current year and can be customized by year and month.

On the Usage Report dashboard, filter data by user role.

User has user roles filter open on the Usage Report page with All Roles selected.

Finally, on the Annual Report and Usage Report dashboards, have the option to export .xlsx files containing the summary of the data you're currently viewing.

Download button highlighted on the Usage Report dashboard.

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